Terms and conditions

This document describes the "General Conditions" applicable to the use of all the services offered by SUBIRTE (Helloseat,Inc.), a company registered at Avenida Del Libertador 2690 2 ° C, Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, which provides online reservation service for transportation, through the website www.subirte.com and its respective mobile application..

Any person, greater or legally capable, called "USER" and / or "TRANSPORTATION COMPANY", who uses the services that SUBIRTE offers, must accept this document of terms and conditions, as well as all the policies and principles that govern it..

THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE ESSENTIAL, being mandatory for the use of the services offered by this website and its respective mobile application. The use of the services offered by SUBIRTE implies the immediate acquiescence of this document and its content. This agreement is constituted through an exclusive document between SUBIRTE and the User and / or Transport Company, thus replacing all agreements, representations, guarantees and other possible legal acts in relation to SUBIRTE, its contents and services provided by or through its website and mobile app. In the event that you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions of the system or with the SUBIRTE Privacy Policy or are not willing to link to them, do not register on the website and do not use it in any way.

This document is complemented by Privacy policies of the site. By accepting these General Conditions, the visitor and / or user accepts the Privacy Policies mentioned here. The acquisition of seats by electronic means implies for the buyer and / or supplier full knowledge and express acceptance of each and every one of the conditions detailed below, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force..

Subirte Value Proposition

- To be 100% focused on revolutionizing the current transport seat reservation process, optimizing travelers´ time and connecting needs..

- Support and encourage urban transport trips, with the aim of reducing traffic, establishing social links, improving life´s quality and reducing the costs and environmental impacts of private transport..

- Simply unite information on routes offered by transport companies and demanded by registered Users on Subirte website..

Registration and use of the system

a) landing.system-use-1.1

b) landing.system-use-1.2

c) landing.system-use-1.3

d) landing.system-use-1.4

e) landing.system-use-1.5

f) landing.system-use-1.6

g) landing.system-use-1.7

User content and license of use

a) The User and / or Transport Company accepts that the responsibility for any content displayed, such as texts, products, information in general, is the responsibility of the people who created those content in the Subirte services;

b) Subirte has the right to review, filter, challenge and remove any published content, which it deems inappropriate, in any of its services;

c) The User and / or Transport Company accepts that he is solely responsible for any content that he generates or views in any of the services provided by Subirte;

d) By excluding content, the User and / or Transport Company knows and agrees that it may remain existing in the database or in convergence data, but that it will not be visible to other Users;

e) The User and / or Transport Company holds copyright and other rights in relation to the content published in any of the Subirte services. By publishing this content, the User and / or Transport Company grants Subirte an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide license, free of “Royalties” and non-exclusive, to publish, filter and / or eliminate the content.


a) The User and / or Transport Company accepts that the services offered by Subirte are only to facilitate / mediate in the reservation of seats in transport services, in addition to facilitating the achievement of all the other benefits described above. Thus, Subirte is exempt from other responsibilities, which will be established at the expense and risk of the Users and / or Transport Companies;

b) Subirte does NOT guarantee::

i. That transportation services will meet the needs of the User;

ii. That transportation services will operate 24 hours a day, without interruptions;

iii. That transportation services will be provided error-free and completely secure;

iv. That the information from other Users and / or Transport Company will be true and up-to-date;

v. Of eventual damages that occur with the equipment used to access the Subirte services.


Transport companies reserve the right to provide the service acquired through another firm when technical or operational reasons prevent it from doing so with their units, and must respect price, quality and service category. This does not apply when there are reasons of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.

The transport companies are not responsible for the damages, expenses or damages caused by the delay in the departure, arrival or interruptions during the trip, when this is due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure. Likewise, due to the closure of the border crossing or roadblock due to climatic phenomena, it will not be responsible for the personal expenses of the passengers or their transfer, in accordance with the provisions of article 188 of the commercial code. The transport companies reserve the right to make the passenger leave the trip at any point where they are, for any reason that constitutes danger or annoyance for the remaining passengers or staff.

i. Requirements to accept a passenger

It is necessary and sufficient to request the reservation confirmation from the Subirte mobile application and / or confirmation email sent by Subirte, as well as to present the corresponding documentation which allows to prove identity. It is optional and jointly valid as proof to carry the printed ticket to be presented to the driver.

ii. Ticket price

The cost will be set by the transport company. The electronic ticket acquisition service will not have an additional cost, until it is indicated by Subirte.

iii. Purchase receipt

Purchases made through this website and / or mobile application are made by end consumers, serving the reservation confirmation in the Subirte mobile application and / or confirmation email sent by Subirte as sufficient proof of such transactions.

iv. Return of the ticket

The tickets have no change of origin, destination or date and are non-transferable. Return requests will not have any refund, if not indicated.

The transport company guarantees:

i. That their DRIVER is in possession of the valid Driving License and in order, and that he will comply with the legislation and applicable traffic regulations according to the territory through which he moves;

ii. That will have valid vehicle insurance;

iii. That will be presented in the indicated place, on the day and at the indicated time, with the vehicle that the transportation company have specified;

iv. That will immediately inform all PASSENGERS of any alteration in the previously agreed trip. If a PASSENGER refuses to accept the alteration, he or she will be entitled to a full refund of the amount paid, not having the right to sue Subirte for damages, and in case of doing so, the transport company authorizes Subirte to hold it subsidiarily responsible;

v.To wait for the PASSENGER at the previously agreed meeting point at least 15 (fifteen) minutes after the agreed time. Even so, the PASSENGER must be punctual.

The PASSENGER accepts:

i. That will be presented at the agreed place, on the day and time agreed in the reservation confirmation;

ii. That will inform the transport company, with 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance, in case of cancellation of the trip;

iii. In paying the cost of the trip, set by the transport company.

It is the passenger´s responsibility to consult and comply with customs, sanitary, phytosanitary and migration regulations. Any violation of the rules or personal injury due to ignorance will be your absolute responsibility.

i. Voucher control

Identity accreditation The user is responsible for entering true data at the time of purchase. Any false data entered by the user will be the user´s full responsibility. That if the information on the ticket does not coincide with the documentation of the ticket and the respective route sheet, you will not be able to travel. Before making the purchase, the following information must be corroborated: place of departure, date and time of travel, price, category of service and destination according to your request, without the right to any claim. Remember that you must have the corresponding documentation and prove your identity at the time of boarding, the same that was entered at the time of purchase for each passenger: ID, civic book, enrollment book or passport, as appropriate. The ticket is valid only for the day, time and services selected therein.

ii. Requirements to travel

Remember that when traveling, it is necessary to present the reservation confirmation from the Subirte mobile application, as well as it is necessary to present the corresponding documentation which allows to prove identity. It is optional and jointly valid as proof to carry the printed ticket to be presented to the driver.

iii. Ticket price

The price will be set by the transport company. The electronic ticket acquisition service will not have an additional cost, until it is indicated by Subirte.

Subirte liability limitations

The transport of people and goods is carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the passenger and the contracted transport companies. Subirte (Helloseat,Inc), being a company that sells tickets for the account and order of third parties, is exempt from all damages caused by any act or fact motivated by the contracted service.

Subirte does not provide transport services, serving only as an intermediary that has the purpose of promoting and supporting the use of transport as a means of benefiting USERS and / or TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. Thus, by requesting and accepting to reserve an transport seat, USERS and / or TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES acknowledge that Subirte does not have a direct link with any USER or TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, it only facilitates the contract between the TRANSPORTATION COMPANY and the PASSENGER. The USER and / or TRANSPORTATION COMPANY acknowledges and accepts that Subirte may not be held responsible for any act, discussion and others, including the effective breach of the obligations assumed by the Users and by the Transport Company, without affecting Subirte. The User acknowledges and accepts that, by registering and accepting the service policy, he does so at his own risk and expense. Subirte recommends that each transaction be carried out with common sense.

i. Subirte does not guarantee that the system is available uninterruptedly, as well as that it is free of errors, and therefore cannot be held liable for damages caused to Users. As the services and systems offered are in a constant process of improvement and correction, Users and / or Transport Companies understand and agree that there may be occasional changes without prior notice to users or without their consent.

ii. The User and / or Transport Companies also agree that Subirte will not be liable for any damage or harm caused to their computers, as a result of the use of the website and / or mobile application.

iii. Subirte also reserves the right to suspend any service or system that it does not consider commercially viable through its own analysis and evaluation, at any time, without the need for prior notice to users or the transport company;

The User and the Transport Company agree to indemnify and exempt Subirte and its representatives from any claim, legal process, loss, liability, damages and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and legal costs, for the damages that it may cause.

Service costs

The PASSENGER must pay the TRANSPORTATION COMPANY the TOTAL COST OF THE TRIP depending on the booked service. ubirte service may, eventually, have costs for the USERS, being discriminated in a transparent way by the platform.

Privacy policy

i. Subirte will collect, store and be able to transmit to Users the data and information provided by other Users (in accordance with their privacy preferences), from the moment it is in service, including, without limitation, the full name, age, photo and profile . Subirte is responsible for the information provided by Users and / or Transport Companies and undertakes to store them and not disclose them if it is not for the service that the company provides;

ii. Subirte implements appropriate security measures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of the information collected;

iii. Subirte is not responsible for any loss of User data, including acts of God or force majeure, occurred by virtue of invasions of the website or breach of security by unauthorized third parties.


Subirte may notify, suspend or cancel, temporarily or permanently, the account of a User and / or Transport Companies at any time, and take the necessary legal measures in case:

i. of violation of any of the declarations, guarantees and obligations that appear in these Terms and Conditions or of any complementary policy or rule;

ii. Practice fraudulent or malicious acts;

iii. Subirte understands, in its sole discretion, that the activities and attitudes have caused or may cause some damage to third parties or to the Subirte firm itself. In that case, the User and / or Transport Companies will not request any type of compensation, compensation for the cancellation or suspension of their account in the System, and will be prevented from accessing their registration data.

General conditions

a) These Terms and Conditions do not generate any partnership, mandate, franchise or employment relationship between Subirte and the User or Transport Companies;

b) These Terms and Conditions can be modified by Subirte at any time. The modifications will take effect automatically on the date of publication of the new version of the website and mobile application;

c) By registering as a User in the system and electronically accepting this document of Terms and Conditions, through the click that says "I accept the Terms and Conditions", the User automatically declares, seriously and irrevocably, that he agrees with this document and all other policies and rules available in the system, even if you have not created a User account.

d) Restrictions

Regardless of the transport company, it is totally forbidden to smoke inside the vehicles. (RESOL. 204/81 - SETOP).

e) Current standard

The purchase of the ticket via the web and / or SUBIRTE mobile application and its use imply the acceptance of all the conditions set forth above and of the current regulations on passenger transport.

f) Applicable law and jurisdiction

For all legal purposes in relation to the services provided on the SUBIRTE website and its respective mobile application, the current legislation in the Argentine Republic will be applicable. In the event of any disagreement, controversy or conflict regarding the interpretation or compliance with these General Conditions, the Parties will endeavor to resolve their disputes in a friendly and collaborative manner, resorting to theOnline Dispute Resolution Services of the CACE Econfianza Seal , and / or where appropriate, they must appeal to the Ordinary Courts located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

IMPORTANT The "Additional Services within the unit" may vary in their "forms and modes of provision or presentation" according to the different Rates, Destinations or Transportation Companies. All the data and descriptions that appear in the system are those offered by the Transport Companies themselves from their profile within the SUBIRTE computer system.

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